Thomas J Quinn Art Studio


For as long as I can remember, I have been mesmerized by the transition of solids to fluids and back again. From wax, pewter and aluminum I would spend countless hours casting or forming the materials with no particular goal in mind other than a curiosity of the outcome. In high school I took any shop class I could where welding or casting metals was involved. After high school I even worked a stint at a metal heat treatment plant and had the opportunity to work with high end furnaces and quenching equipment.

In 2010 I purchased a kiln and dove headlong into the art of kiln formed glass. Glass and its endless array of colors opened the door to the fusion of liquids, solids and colors. I felt as if I had stumbled across the fourth dimension. With a spectacular banquet of glass colors and an infinite supply of God’s creation to be inspired by, I am never without a project waiting to be conquered.

I follow few rules when choosing the subject of my art but my objective is to elicit an uplifting reaction. I focus on the pure and positive. My desire is to create a work that leaves the viewer mesmerized, fascinated and wanting to see more.


Surrounded by majestic mountains, crystal clear streams and close to both Glacier and Yellowstone Parks, I am truly blessed. The majority of my artwork subjects are inspired by my work, surroundings and experiences in the mountain west.

As a mixed media artist, I will utilize wood, metal and glass with the main focus on kiln formed glass. With experience in welding, electrical, plumbing, mechanics and carpentry I am able to construct the needed jigs, forms and configurations required to accomplish the desired task. I am entirely self taught and have learned through many failures and a fair amount of successes. Trial and error have supplied me with a healthy supply of scrap glass!

I typically start with sheet glass as my canvas. I will then add any assortment of glass in the form of sheet, rods, powder or crushed (frit) glass. This glass canvas will then spend up to two to three days in the kiln and reach temperatures up to 1550 F. The time in the kiln will depend on the thickness of the glass and the desired effect. It is a rare project that does not utilize at least two sessions in the kiln. Many of the works containing powder are created in stages and may see as many as six sessions in the kiln.

I have no clear boundaries concerning my subjects and just about anything that might pique my interest will suffice. I have completed printed circuit board artworks that were inspired by my electronics background and also created a series of molecule artworks inspired by my work at a pharmaceutical company. I completed a series on Bannack Ghost Town inspired by my countless visits there. Another series involved nebula's and galaxies utilizing dichroic glass. Nothing is off limits; however I reject dark or negative subjects. I do not possess awards or accolades, nor do I seek them. The completed work is my reward.

Being eternally fascinated by glass, its unique properties and endless colors, I continue to push the limits and recently started a series called “Colors of Yellowstone”. It is based on the colors of the many diverse thermal features the park holds. Attempting to capture in glass some of Gods splendid and colorful creations has been challenging yet inspiring. Stay tuned!

Soli Deo Gloria

Welcome to my Studio

Enjoy the site and hopefully you like what you see. If you see a piece that you would like to purchase contact me and we can determine a path forward if it's still available. I can sell direct or proceed to list it on Etsy and let them deal with the financial side of it. I like Etsy because they deal with everything. They do charge me a small commission but its a safe site for both buyer and seller so I don't mind. Contact form is at bottom of page.

Maybe you don't see anything that suits your taste but have an idea that you would like to see in glass I am always open to discuss it. Some things do well as glass artwork and others not so much. If it is something that lends itself to my abilities I would happily accept commission work. Or maybe you like a piece I have already completed but would like different colors?

Contact Me